Kristin Lucas

Documentary produced by Engadget for Engadget Alternate Realities Experience.

Documentation, Engadget Alternate Realities Experience, Ace Theater, Los Angeles, November 14, 2017.

Ben Purdy and Thomas Wester demonstrating a networked "shared reality" experience they developed between HoloLens and iPad devices in the Virtual Environments Lab at Pioneer Works.

Adriano Clemente created a flamingo call instrument to produce flamingo calls in a variety of keys. Each flamingo vocalized in its own key, in tune with original music Clemente composed for the experience.

Allison Lucas and Tommy Martinez introducing a flamingo wetlands fragrance in the first stage of the experience.

Participants in a second stage use iPads running an ARkit app to populate their surroundings with flarmingos and view information graphics for flarmingos wearing id bands.

Prototype infographic for "AAP", my eldest adopted flamingo. Information graphics were designed by Ziv Schneider utilizing data provided through Flamingo Atlas.

Screenshot of networked "shared reality" at Engadget Alternate Realities Experience in Ace Theater.